The Uniform

The Hit


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From time to time you will be called upon to solve a problem for someone.  This will usually result in a death. As an assassin there are a few things that must be done to insure the secrecy of our organization. The precautions are basic failure to comply with them will result is death.

1. Always carry poison. If you believe capture is imminent be willing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good of the others.

2. If a comrade is weak and willing to talk to the enemy be willing to sacrifice him for our greater good.

3. When possible hide your face. If people recognize you they can hunt and find you. Capture is a disgrace. 

4. Greed is a virtue that will see you dead. Remember if you ask too much you may be the next target.


The hit is deemed successful if the target dies. Any method of death is acceptable. Poison, a knife to the back, and yes even a well placed trap.